About public art
Public art connects us to people, place and stories. It reflects our society and adds meaning to the public spaces we move through.
Public art is one of the most visible and accessible forms of creative expression, with a far-reaching audience.
The beauty of public art is – whether it is permanent, transitory, or ephemeral – it is always found in the outdoors, there for everyone who wishes to seek it out. Or simply, by chance, come across it. It helps to make a place where people want to be and can assist in creating a strong sense of place.
In Walyalup | Fremantle, there are many artworks to discover. We encourage you to seek these out, to see how artists from both the past and those practicing today, are creating works that celebrate our stories, challenge our assumptions, and adorn our environment.
Contact us
City of Fremantle
Walyalup Civic Centre
151 High Street
Fremantle WA 6060
T 08 9432 9999

Witness 2, 1914, 2015 | Artist: Tony Jones | City of Fremantle Public Art Collection | Photo: Rebecca Mansell | Location: Manjaree, Bathers Beach