Action on Climate Change | City of Fremantle

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Action on Climate Change

The City of Fremantle has long been committed to taking action against climate change, leading by example through reducing the emission generated from the City’s operations and working to create an urban environment and local community that is prepared and resilient to the impacts of climate change.

In May 2019 Fremantle Council declared that the world is in a state of climate and biodiversity emergency and in March 2021 they adopted the Climate Emergency Position Statement. Actions to support the statement are detailed below.

Energy efficiency 

  • New City buildings built to a high environmental standard.
  • Advocacy to state government to improve planning and finance mechanisms to make buildings energy efficient.
  • Installing LED lights in City car parks.
  • Installation of the Cogen system for heating pools at the Fremantle Leisure Centre.

Renewable energy

  • Installing solar PV systems on suitable council buildings.
  • Working towards powering the City’s buildings with 100% renewable electricity by 2025.

Zero emissions transport 

  • Improve active and public transport through implementation of the Fremantle Bike Plan and Integrated Transport Strategy.
  • Reviewing fleet policy to provide a pathway to upgrade to low-emissions vehicles.
  • Encourage and facilitate use of electric vehicles by installing publicly accessibly car charging points.
  • Support for car share network through the City’s car share policy.
  • Running trials for electric vehicles including scooter sharing for staff and electric rubbish trucks.

Consumption and waste minimisation 

  • Roll out of FOGO three bin system.
  • Investigating how to provide FOGO for businesses.
  • Encouraging waste and consumption reduction in the community.
  • Maximising reuse of building waste from new buildings.

Fossil fuel divestment 

  • Wherever possible within the limitations of the Local Government Act, the City actively invests with fossil-free financial institutions.
  • Create awareness about divestment and related campaigns.

Adaptation and resilience 

  • Through implementation of the Urban Forest Plan, increase tree canopy coverage to reduce the heat island effect and provide habitat for wildlife.
  • Support urban food production through community garden and verge policies.
  • Support building standards to cope with a changing climate.
  • Work with state government agencies and the private sector to stabilize coastal areas impacted by increasingly damaging storm events and subsequent erosion.

Engaging the community 

  • Hosting community tree planting events and waterwise gardening workshops.
  • Hosting home sustainability courses.
  • Running engagement processes to provide information and a forum for discussion on the impacts of climate change and actions the City and individuals can take.


  • Advocating to the Western Australian state government for renewable energy and emissions reduction targets, including a clear pathway for achieving a zero-carbon economy.
  • Advocating to the Western Australian state government for the rapid upgrade of streetlighting to low-energy LEDs.
  • Advocating for easier and cheaper installation costs for solar on multi-dwelling developments.


Climate Change Adaption Plan 

The City has prepared an Adaption Plan which reflects our commitment to addressing the impacts of climate change in a holistic and coordinated manner. The plan was introduced in 2015 and updated in 2019-20 with additional action items.

Climate Change Adaption Plan

Climate change is accelerating at a greater rate than hoped as the worlds global temperature has hit 1.5oC in June 2023. This has huge implications for a city like Fremantle whose fabulous built heritage remains vulnerable to rising sea levels, just as our enviable lifestyle and diverse infrastructure is vulnerable to higher temperatures and heatwaves, droughts and lower rainfall, unseasonal weather, storm surge and extreme storm events. This presents the challenge to invest in more resilient and sustainable infrastructure over coming years. For instance, the plan demonstrates that we can still have a green city whilst using less water and using it more efficiently. The City of Fremantle Climate Change Adaptation Plan will ensure that Fremantle is prepared and ready to adapt to the climate change challenges that lie ahead.


Building alliances

The City of Fremantle is committed to forming partnerships to share skills and knowledge and collectively advocate for climate action through the Cities Power Partnership and Climate Emergency Australia.

Cities Power Partnership

The City was one of the first 30 local governments in Australia to join the Cities Power Partnership, a program developed and supported by the Climate Council. To join, the City had to commit to monitoring five pledges under the categories of Renewable Energy, Work Together and Influence, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transport. Our pledges are below.

Category: Renewable Energy
Fremantle pledge: Power council operations directly by renewable energy or by purchasing Greenpower. Increase the level of renewable power for council operations over time.
Example project: Corporate Energy Plan

Category: Work Together and Influence
Fremantle pledge: Endorse knowledge sharing and strengthen the local community's capacity and skills in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.
Example project: Community events and workshops.

Category: Sustainable Transport
Fremantle pledge: Encourage sustainable transport use (public transport, walking and cycling) through Council transport planning and design.
Example project: Integrated Transport Strategy, Bike Plan 2019-24 and free bicycle hire.

Category: Energy Efficiency
Fremantle pledge: Progressively roll out installation of energy efficient lighting in new City-owned buildings and lighting assets. Advocate for and support upgrades to street lighting not maintained by the City to be installed with energy efficient lighting.
Example project: Corporate Energy Plan. Market St and South Terrace streetlights, North Fremantle Bowling Club


Further information

Relevant strategies and plans prepared by or for the City of Fremantle:

Relevant council policies:

Links to other City of Fremantle information sources:

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