Arts Grants Recipients March 2023 | City of Fremantle

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Arts Grants Recipients March 2023

The Literature Centre

Storytellers Festival 2023


Storytellers is a free family event taking place at Walyalup Koort at The Fremantle Town Hall on 29 October 2023. It will provide a cultural and creative hub for families and young people to develop their storytelling skills and gain inspiration from a range of award-winning artists from Fremantle, WA and Australia. The 2023 program will offer diverse creative learning experiences and presentations, encompassing a range of storytelling platforms including books, pod casting, visual arts workshops and Noongar language learning.


Jon Cope

KMAM Single Mic Sessions


The Single Mic Sessions (‘SMS’) is a local initiative to host regular monthly Fremantle-based acoustic music sessions and provide opportunities for inter-generational cross-pollination of Freo’s acoustic music community in a safe and supportive environment. The SMS reimagines a contemporary folk club format using the popular retro-style single-microphone production set-up, ideal for simple acoustic instrumentation. The music content will focus on acoustic genres of folk, world and roots music, incorporating trad, fusion, and contemporary interpretations, plus original compositions.


Penny Bovell

Underneath/Overlooked - Documentary Film


To produce a short documentary about a social history/visual art project focusing on the terrazzo tiles made by Anna and Giuseppe Scolaro (1954-1973).  The documentary will:

•Include film footage of our Underneath/Overlooked exhibition held at the Moores Building Fremantle for the 2021 for the Festival of Fremantle. This extensive project included an installation, community exhibition, interactive game, forum and two workshops.

•Make a connection between the MRWA's High Street Ring Road Upgrade public art walls based on the Scolaro tiles and designed by Penny Bovell (2021)

•It will also include new footage of ‘walking-through’ some key houses to reinforce the impact of the decorative designs and the unique aesthetic so innate to Fremantle.

•Capture footage of work in progress for the new installation required for the AotM touring exhibition.

The film will be produced to accompany the Art on the Move Touring exhibition of Underneath/Overlooked commencing in late 2023 and continuing to 2025. Aiming to be part of the AotM public Program it will be accessible to a wide audience and reach the public in regional Australia and aim to reinforce connections between the Moores Building exhibition, the MRWA public artwork and explain the new installation adapted for touring purposes


Stephen Brameld & Jay Staples

A Large Scale Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture, Video and Performance: MOD DOGS


In June 2023, we will be presenting our 5th exhibition in collaboration, our 5th in Fremantle, our 5th on Pakenham Street; An exhibition of large scale painting, sculpture, video and performance. An act of ‘world-making’ within the field of contemporary art. As Philip K. Dick asked, ‘how do you build a universe that doesn’t fall apart two days later? Defining this structure, is essential in the collaborative arts for it allows individuals to exercise autonomy within boundaries, resulting in a composite of creative expression. We have painted all of the shows 2D works (20 in total) over the last 4 years. Our ambition is to complete the ‘world-making’ process through the creation of sculpture, gallery space transformation, video, music and performance.


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