Australian Tourism Data Warehouse | City of Fremantle

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Australian Tourism Data Warehouse

Fremantle tourism operators and event organisers can list their business/event for free with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) - with the information being distributed and published across hundreds of websites.

​ATDW is a database of national tourism content. It is supported and used by all the state tourism organisations on their websites, mobile apps and more. Its content is distributed to hundreds of travel websites, including Tourism Australia’s, and is available in both simple and traditional Chinese.

If you want to be listed on Tourism WA’s consumer website, it is essential that you have a record on this database. The same data is used in the mobile app and where applicable on campaign microsites. It will also be featured on Tourism Australia’s website as well as other websites who have elected to take on the data feed.

Tourism operators ranging from accommodation providers, paid attractions, tour operators, hire companies and information services can be listed. Listings are free however, as Tourism WA supports an accreditation policy, it is a requirement for operators to have the relevant accreditation in order to be added to the database. 

Other records that are captured in this database are tourism destinations, free attractions, restaurants and events. These do not require accreditation.

Find more information on eligible product here. To learn more about how ATDW can benefit your business, visit Tourism WA’s corporate site.

Contact the database team on 1300 369 125 or

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