Fremantle visitor tracker | City of Fremantle

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Fremantle visitor tracker

Visitor trends

To track trends in Fremantle visitor numbers, the City of Fremantle and key stakeholders have created an index to monitor changes in visitor numbers over time.

The index combines data from various sources across Fremantle. The operators of the attractions share their visitor data with the City each quarter, it is averaged and compared against the baseline index of ‘100’ in July 2015.

Data from each attraction remains confidential. The data sources include:

  • Fremantle Markets - door count
  • Fremantle Prison - number of visitors on paid tours and event attendees
  • WA Maritime Museum - total number of  general, school and function visitors
  • WA Shipwrecks Museum - total number of general and school visitors
  • Esplanade Hotel by Rydges - total number of guests
  • Fremantle Visitor Centre - door count
  • Public Transport Authority - Fremantle Station boarding and alighting
  • Fremantle city centre pedestrian count
  • Round House - door count
  • Pirates Backpackers - occupancy rate

Additional data sources can be added to the index as they become available.

Restrictions heavily impacted visitation particularly between March 2020 – March 2022

How to interpret this graph
The graph above shows the visitor trend from July 2017, which is used as the benchmark month (i.e. 100). This means that a visitor score of 116.6 in November 2015 is a 16.6% increase in overall visitor numbers to Fremantle compared to the baseline month of July 2015.
Conversely, a visitor score of 94.6 in August 2015 is a 5.4% drop compared to the baseline month of July 2015.
The graph also shows the visitor numbers by month for different years. The 2015/16 financial year is shown in blue and the 2016/17 financial year is shown in orange.
This allows comparison of the visitor numbers in the same month of different years. Using the month of October for example, visitor numbers were greater in 2016 (index score of 112.3) compared to 2015 (index score of 107.7).  As time goes by, the graph will be updated to show figures for each future year.
Information on data sources
​​​​​​​The data from the WiFi based system was used in this index from July 2016 - July 2017 until is was discontinued.

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