Short stay accommodation | City of Fremantle

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Short stay accommodation


Short stay accommodation

As of 1 January 2025, reforms have been introduced by the State Government to centralise the registration of Short Stay Rental Accommodation (STRA). STRA’s are now required to be registered with the State Government rather than the City of Fremantle.

Information regarding what does and doesn’t need to be registered, can be found here Short-Term Rental Accommodation Register

To register, you may be required to input a Development Approval (DA) number. If you have an existing Short Stay Accommodation registration with the City of Fremantle, you can use your SSA code provided with your original registration.

 If you are proposing to convert an existing dwelling into a STRA, please complete the form below and we can issue you with code that can be inputted into the DA field on the STRA Register. There is no fee applicable for this. Application to register a short stay accommodation | City of Fremantle

Please note, that there are Planning reforms being introduced in 2026, that may mean you require a planning application for STRA that has not already registered. Further information will be able provided in the second half of 2025.

For further information on this, please contact


In June 2018 Council adopted a residential short stay accommodation differential rate as part of the annual budget adoption. This rate will be applied to properties which are granted approval to conduct a short stay accommodation.

For further information regarding this rate please contact the City's Rates Department or 9432 9999


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