Community grant recipients September 2022
Fremantle Women's Health Centre
Wisdom Project Australia
Wisdom Project Australia is an eight week, two hours per week group program, designed to assist people over sixty to review their lives in safe and supportive ways. The project aims to assist in clearing out old beliefs, patterns of behaviour and ideas, and to enable them to make positive decisions about their future.
Grant: $4,288
The CommUNITY Project
The CommUNITY project is about supporting Fremantle families who are doing tough in the period leading up to Christmas as well as celebrating the contribution of Fremantle residents who volunteer at PortCare. The project includes two components:
- Christmas Cheer Groceries - 40 families will be identified to receive $100 worth of free groceries through PortCare. This will help alleviate the financial stress of families especially going into the festive season and school holidays. Families will be able to self-select $100 worth of groceries specific to their dietary and household needs at our supermarket.
- International Volunteer Day (5 December 2022) - as an acknowledgement of the invaluable contribution of their volunteers, PortCare will host a thank-you event for their 40+ volunteers of whom 80% lives within the Fremantle city.
Grant: $5,000
Fremantle Wesley Mission
Wesley Link
The Wesley Link is a drop-in centre with a commercial kitchen. At present this is open twice a week to provide free hospitality to those who are in need of food and social connection. The project is attended by a wide range of people with different ages and ethnicity. It provides a quiet place for shelter and conversation as well as refreshment.
The Wesley Link has recently been refurbished to provide a more welcoming and attractive environment. Weekly attendance stands at around 60. The grant funding will provide assistance with the provision of food supplies.
Grant: $2,500
East Fremantle Farm Community Garden
A Buzz in the Garden
'A Buzz in the Garden' is a program aimed at getting people involved in learning about and caring for bees through being able to safely participate in the opening and management of an active hive located in the East Freo Farm Community Garden. The grant will allow the Farm to buy six sets of protective clothing (bee keeping suits and gloves) for a range of participants (children, youth to mid-teens, and adults).
Grant: $950
The Rotary Club of Fremantle
Meals for Homeless and Children at Risk
Through the community grant funding, the Rotary Club of Fremantle has offered to provide breakfast to children at Fremantle College on a weekly basis. Studies have shown that good nutrition aids concentration and learning, hence children in this group who are not currently eating breakfast are at risk of not achieving their full potential.
In addition to this new initiative,the Rotary Club has recently provided and served an evening meal at 100 Hampton Road community housing facitlity. The group would like to increase participation by providing and serving a meal just prior to Christmas.
Grant: $5,000
Imagined Futures auspiced by St Pat's Community Support Centre
Our Local Plan for Connecting Aboriginal Children in Care with Family, Community, and Culture
This project sets out a range of impactful measures to articulate ways of deepening connections for Aboriginal children in care with enduring natural supports and harness the resources that exist in the community to:
- provide Aboriginal specific care-packs as a symbol of connection to culture, and to provide comfort; and
- hold regular events to ensure that children, who are otherwise separated from their culture and siblings, can regularly connect.
These initiatives have been informed and developed by Aboriginal people who see, on a daily basis, the disconnect Aboriginal families and children are facing with the crisis in care, health and wellbeing of Aboriginal families.
Grant: $5,000
Fremantle PCYC
School Holiday Program
Fremantle PCYC received funding to hold four school holiday activities over a four-week period during January. The activities are aimed at 8-14 year olds.
Fremantle PCYC school holiday programs are specifically designed to engage at-risk young people to reduce idleness, boredom, and the number of street present young people in the City of Fremantle. Through discussions with participants PCYC staff have been able to design a program that will draw in at-risk young people to a safe and inviting environment with activities that will keep them engaged. Each session will include a life skills/educational workshop, healthy meal and a physical activity.
The Fremantle PCYC school holiday program will aim to improve overall wellbeing for young people and will also offer a safe space for connection between young people which youth within the City of Fremantle have specifically requested.
Grant: $2,800