Agendas and minutes | Page 77 | City of Fremantle

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Agendas and minutes

Agendas and minutes for council and committee meetings

Agendas are published on the Wednesday evening before the meeting. Electronic copies are available on this page and you can search for keywords.

The City is required to publish unconfirmed minutes within 14 days following the council meeting and 7 days following committee meetings.

For agendas and minutes that are not currently available on this website, please contact us at for an alternate version. 

Council and committee meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the Walyalup Civic Centre. More information is available here.

How to register to speak at the meeting

Complete and save a copy of the attached form and email it to before 1pm on the day of the meeting.

You must attend the meeting in-person if you intend to speak.

Watch the meeting

A live stream of council and committee meetings will be available on the City's Youtube channel on the day of the meeting and can be viewed after the meeting. Visit the live streaming page for more information.

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Planning services committee
18 February 2009
Strategic and general services committee
11 February 2009
Planning services committee
4 February 2009
Planning services committee
21 January 2009
Strategic and general services committee
14 January 2009
Planning services committee
7 January 2009
Planning services committee
7 January 2009
