The City's Executive Leadership Team (ELT) consists:
- Chief Executive Officer
- Director—City Business
- Director—Creative Arts and Community
- Director—Infrastructure
- Director—Planning, Place and Urban Development
The role of the ELT is to provide strategic management to oversee the implementation of council decisions and to maintain operational excellence. The role of the Chief Executive Officer is described in section 5.41 of the Local Government Act 1995.
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Responsible for:
Leadership and Governance: Support the City with legislative compliance and achieve accountability for organisational decision-making and behaviours. This is supported through civic services, meeting management and Elected Member coordination and support functions.
People and Culture: Enable and empower our...
Responsible for:
Economy & Commercial - Investment and Growth, Economic Development, Commercial Property and Leases, Commercial parking
Finance services - Financial Services, Payroll, Procurement
Information Technology - Business systems, Information Management
Responsible for:
Service and information: Customer service, Fremantle Library, Fremantle Visitor Centre, The Meeting Place.
Arts: Fremantle Arts Centre, The Moores Building Arts Space, festivals, arts grants, public art and collections.
Community development: Fremantle Leisure Centre,...
Responsible for:
City works: Waste management, mechanical services, construction engineering, maintenance, parks & landscapes
Infrastructure projects: Traffic and civil design, engineering projects, project management
City assets: leased buildings, facilities management
Responsible for:
Strategic planning: town planning, heritage
Development approvals: statutory planning, land administration, building/surveying
Strategic projects: sustainability, urban design, community engagement