Council and committee meetings | City of Fremantle

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Council and committee meetings


As a member of our community, council decisions often affect you directly and we encourage your interest and participation in local issues. Members of the public are welcome to ask a question, make a statement or just observe the proceedings at open meetings.

The City of Fremantle meetings include:

Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the Walyalup Civic Centre

Members of the public can attend a council meeting in person, or watch online.

Pre-registration to speak is encouraged by completing the online form and emailing it to before 1pm on the day of the meeting.

Attendees may also register to speak on arrival at the meeting.

Viewers online are unable to participate in an in-person meeting.

Meeting place, dates and live streaming 

Council meetings are held at Walyalup Civic Centre Council Chamber, located at 151 High Street, Fremantle.

Meetings commence at 6pm, with registration open from 5:45pm.

The City of Fremantle holds two Ordinary Council Meetings per month, which are open to the public. For dates and times of upcoming meetings, please view the Agendas and Minutes page.

A live stream of council meetings will be available on the City's Youtube channel on the day of the meeting. Visit the live streaming page for more information.

The Audit and Risk Management Committee meetings are closed to the public, with recommendations made to the next appropriate Council meeting.


The council has established committees in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, including:

  •  Audit and Risk Management Committee
  • CEO Performance Review Committee

Terms of reference, committee membership, and a description of the functions of the committees can be found in the Council: Committees and Groups Register 2023-2025.

Agendas and minutes

Agendas are published on the City’s website the Wednesday evening before the meeting.

Decisions and recommendations made by the council or committee are recorded in the minutes of the meeting, but the council or committee's general discussion on each item is not. If you speak during public question time, a summary of your question, including your name will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Council meetings are recorded and livestreamed.

Unconfirmed minutes are published within 14 days following the council meeting and 7 days following committee meetings.

Community participation

Time is set aside during open council and committee meetings for public question time. All members of the public who wish to ask a question or make a statement will be given an opportunity to do so.
To register to speak, you may:

  • submit your question or provide detail of your statement before 1pm on the day of the meeting (you will still be required to attend the meeting in person to present your statement or ask your question).
  • register at the venue.
  • if not called upon to speak by the presiding member, raise your hand when the presiding member asks if there are any questions and or statements from the public.

Each speaker has 3 minutes to make their statement and/or ask their question/s.

Once you have asked your question or made your statement, you will not be able to enter into the discussion or debate the issue with members. Once your item has been dealt with, you may remain for the rest of the meeting or leave the venue at any time.

Deputations and petitions may also be presented at council meetings.

More information on participating at council and committee meetings can be found here.


More information on delegations to committees can be found in the register of delegated authority.

Confidential items

Occasionally, members of the public may be requested by the presiding member to temporarily leave a council meeting to allow for discussion of a confidential item.

Useful documents

Meeting procedures policy
Petitions guide and template

Useful links

Western Australian Planning Commission
State Administrative Tribunal

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