Policies represent the values of council and while not binding, provide elected members and City staff with a framework to help guide decisions.
Policies are also useful in helping people understand the reasoning behind decisions.
Local planning policies and those relating to development can be viewed in the planning section.
Council Meetings, Elections, and Elected Member Council Policies (A-Z)
- Caretaker Period
- Council Code of Conduct Division 3 Complaint Handling
- Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates Code of Conduct
- Coat of Arms, Logo and Common Seal
- Elected Member and Chief Executive Officer Attendance at Events
- Elected Member and Committee Member Allowances and Reimbursements
- Elected Member Professional Development
- Electoral Activities and Signage
- Electors Meetings
- Meeting Procedures Policy
- Recording and livestreaming of meetings
Other Council Policies (A-Z)
- Appointment of acting Chief Executive Officer
- Coat of arms, logo and common seal
- Code of conduct for employees
- Complaint management
- Execution of documents
- Flying of flags
- Fraud and misconduct control policy
- Granting and exercising Freedom of Entry
- Internal groups
- IT security policy
- Payments to terminating employees
- Nuclear free Fremantle
- Nyoongar acknowledgement
- Records management
- Risk Management
- Risk Management Framework
- Related party disclosures
- Sister cities
- Strategic planning framework
- Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance and Termination Policy
- Work health and safety
Finance & Property
- Acquisition and disposal of property
- Asset management
- Borrowings
- Budget management
- Competitive practice
- Debtor management
- Disposal of inconsequential, surplus or lost property items
- Financial hardships
- Financial reserve funds
- Heritage places reserve
- Investment
- Lease agreements for council properties
- Leasing of City property in a competitive manner
- Loans to clubs and associations
- Purchasing
Community, Business, and Environment
- Advocacy
- Alcohol management
- Alfresco dining (table and chairs)
- Approval of Venues for sporting, cultural or entertainment events - Regulation 19B
- Artist studio program
- Car share
- Circuses on land owned or controlled by the City of Fremantle
- City of Fremantle art collection
- Civic collections
- Community engagement
- Community gardens
- Community Street Activation
- Consumption of liquor without a meal in outdoor eating areas
- Diverse and affordable housing
- Dog exercise and prohibited areas
- Film friendly city
- Fremantle suburban footpaths
- ‘Friends of Natural Areas’ Groups
- Grants and Sponsorship
- Library and information service
- Liquor control act 1988 provisions
- Outdoor events
- Parking infringement appeals
- Parklets
- Precincts
- Public buildings assessment
- Pyrotechnic management
- Recreation
- Residential and multi-purpose parking permits
- Risk management plan approval for licensed premises under the Liquor Act
- Seasonal trading
- Sustainable events
- Verge and Urban Garden
- Voluntary goodwill service providers
- Crossover
- Policy and procedures for the dedication, upgrade or closure of rights of ways
- Street art and graffiti removal
- Narrow Streets - Safe Access
- Traffic Calming
- Trees on City Owned or Managed Land