If you’re facing hardship, emergency assistance from the following government providers and charities is available to help you.
- http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/key-contacts-access-help
- Directory of emergency relief service providers.
- Emergency relief through Uniting WA: Phone 9220 1255 for an appointment. 10-12 Market Street, Fremantle
- Domestic and Family Violence support.
- Assistance towards accommodation.
Local services
These are some of the local services where you can access different support.
- St Patrick’s Community Centre Fremantle: a range of helpful services, meals, support workers and medical appointments, homelessness support and so much more. 12 Queen Victoria Street Fremantle. Phone 63724800.
- PortCare: Free and/or affordable meals among other support services. 372 South Street, Fremantle. Phone 9337 8541.
- Mobile Foodbank: We know transport can be a barrier for people experiencing hardship, so our new Mobile Foodbank concept is one way we can take food directly to the people who need it most throughout the Perth metro area. Payment is via EFTPOS or your Emergency Relief Voucher. No cash payments for security reasons
- Freo Street Doctor – mobile medical clinic based at these locations:
- Mondays 1pm–4pm at 100 Hampton Road Fremantle
- Tuesdays 9.30am–12.30pm at St Pats, 12 Queen Street, Fremantle
- Wednesdays 9.30am–12.30pm at Fremantle Oval
- Thursday 9.30am–12.30pm at St Pats, 12 Queen Street, Fremantle
- Friday 10am–1pm at Fremantle Oval