- Fremantle Art Centre
- Fremantle Leisure Centre
- Fremantle Library
- Fremantle Recycling Centre
- Fremantle Reuse Shop
- Fremantle Markets
- Fremantle Town Hall
- The West End
- The Round House
- Esplanade Reserve
- Bathers Beach (pictured)
- Tuckfield Oval Parkland
- Fremantle Port
- Containbow
John Curtin College of The Arts, Lance Holt School, St Patrick's Primary School, Fremantle Primary School, Christian Brothers College
Quick stats
Information is based on 2016 census data unless otherwise stated:
Population: 8,211 (source: Reiwa, 2020)
Number of private dwellings: 4,596
Average people per household: 2.1
Median weekly household income: $1,548
Median monthly mortgage repayments: $2,167
Median weekly rent: $360
Average motor vehicles per dwelling: 1.5
Age composition
The median age of people in Fremantle was 41 years. Children aged 0–14 years made up 10.5% of the population and people aged 65 years and over made up 17.7% of the population.
The most common ancestries in Fremantle were English 29.2%, Australian 17.7%, Irish 10.2%, Scottish 8.0% and Italian 5.8%.
In Fremantle, 56.0% of people were born in Australia. The most common countries of birth were England 10.4%, New Zealand 2.7%, Italy 2.7%, Ireland 1.2% and Scotland 1.1%.
In Fremantle, 75.3% of people only spoke English at home. Other languages spoken at home included Italian 4.1%, French 1.2%, Spanish 0.8%, German 0.8% and Mandarin 0.6%.
4,397 people reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night. Of these 55.3% were employed full time, 32.1% were employed part-time and 7.6% were unemployed.
The most common occupations in Fremantle included Professionals 38.5%, Managers 13.7%, Community and Personal Service Workers 10.6%, Technicians and Trades Workers 10.1%, and Clerical and Administrative Workers 9.7%.
Household composition
Of the 3,380 households, 55.4% were family households, 37.5% were single person households and 7.2% were group households.
Of the families in Fremantle, 31.8% were couple families with children, 50.8% were couple families without children and 15.1% were one parent families.
Precinct group
Interested in being a voice for your community? The suburb of Fremantle has four precinct groups, including Art Centre, Gibson Park, Inner City and South City.
Visit the precinct groups page to get involved or to see the latest agendas and minutes.