Fremantle Community Support Map View a visual representation of locations of the relevant services such as medical, food, accommodation, mental health and emergency relief around Fremantle. Key contacts to access help Browse a list of local contacts you can speak to. Mental Health Outreach Project Learn more about the Mental Health Outreach Project. About Helping to End Homelessness The Western Australian Alliance to end homelessness (10 Year Strategy) is committed to ending homelessness in WA. Legal Support Fremantle Community Legal Centre provides a range of legal and non-legal services to low income members of the local community. Key information for renters The City has resources available for community members following the ending of the moratorium. Library Connect The program supports vulnerable people facing homelessness and other disadvantage in the community. The Homelessness Action plan 2021-2024 The Homelessness Action Plan 2021-2024 was created as an informing strategic document developed to guide the City’s response to homelessness. Donate Without doubt The campaign aims to help homeless people by diverting funds to St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, allowing the centre to provide more services to those in need. My Home project Fremantle Council has provided further support to the fight against homelessness by offsetting the building fees for the innovative My Home project in North Fremantle. Imagined Futures The City of Fremantle supports the Imagined Futures project, which uses a collective approach to tackle social issues in the South West Metropolitan region. 20 Lives 20 Homes The 20 Lives 20 Homes is a program to reduce homelessness and rough sleeping in Fremantle. Project Zero and the By-Name List The City supports the By Name List and the Project Zero. MyGov and Immunisation Use myGov to access Centrelink, Medicare, Child Support and Immunisation records all in one place. Vertical Tabs