Library Connect | City of Fremantle

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Library Connect


Notice: Library Connect will be unavailable on the following Saturdays: 18 January, 22 February, and 1 March. 

The Library Connect program is a partnership between the City of Fremantle and St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, who are working together to support vulnerable people facing homelessness and other disadvantages in the community.

Library Connect is a Walk-In service, so you do not need an appointment to seek assistance.

At the core of the program is a St Pat’s support worker based at the library who engages and connects with people in a safe and welcoming environment, providing free advice, referrals and support on the ground where it is needed.

The program was awarded the Library Board of WA Excellence Award 2021 for Innovation and Collaboration.

View the overview of the first year of the Library Connect project. 

View the overview of the first two years of the Library Connect project.

Hours of operation:

Tuesday         11:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 11:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm

Contact Library Connect during hours of operation via phone on 08 9432 9609

When Library Connect staff members are not present in the library you can still contact St Pats for assistance.

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