Feelgood Feb 2025 | City of Fremantle

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03 February 2025
Feelgood Feb 2025

Feelgood February: Cultivating Kindness and Wellbeing in Fremantle 

This February, the City of Fremantle is embracing the spirit of kindness and putting the spotlight on mental health and wellbeing with Feelgood February, an Act Belong Commit initiative seeking to promote positive mental health, and activities that keep us mentally healthy. This year, the City is focusing on kindness – kindness to yourself, others, and your environment. Feelgood Feb is an opportunity to reflect on how small acts of compassion can make a big difference in our lives and our community. 

Why Kindness Matters 

Kindness has the power to transform our mental health. Whether it’s showing generosity to a friend, lending a hand to a neighbour, or offering a smile to a stranger, acts of kindness can create a ripple effect fostering connection, community, and belonging. Kindness to ourselves is equally important; it helps us focus on self-care, encourages personal growth, and promotes healthier lifestyles. Beyond our relationships, showing kindness to the environment inspires meaningful action. It motivates us to volunteer, make sustainable choices, and care for the world around us. 

Support in Fremantle  

If you or someone you know is feeling vulnerable and in need of support, there are services in Fremantle that can help.  

Library Connect a safe and welcoming environment for people seeking support or assistance. Library connect provides free advice, referrals and support on the ground where it is needed. 

Where is the Door? is a free support directory from Imagine Futures, connecting people living in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville to the right support at the right time 

Get in touch for more information on these resources or check out Key contacts to access help | City of Fremantle 

Feelgood February Programs and Events 

This February lets practice kindness and prioritise our mental health! Discover free and inclusive programs and activities on Fremantle’s What’s On Page, or find a group which appeals to you in the Fremantle Community Directory. From mindfulness and movement to social connection and giving back, there are plenty of opportunities to feel good—whether you're focusing on self-care, building relationships, or discovering new ways to support your mental wellbeing. 

Keep an eye out for these programs this Feelgood Feb! 

  • Repair Café First Sunday of every month, 9:30–11:30 am. Think sustainably by bringing along broken items to be fixed by skilled volunteers. It’s a sustainable way to reduce waste and keep your cherished belongings in use 
  • Free Yoga & Mindfulness Every Wednesday, Feb 5-March 19, 5–6 pm (excluding Feb 12). Reconnect with yourself in these relaxing sessions designed to improve mental clarity and physical health. Perfect for beginners and seasoned yogis alike 
  • Film Day | BlackFellas Thursday 6 Feb, 1-3pm. Take time to connect through storytelling with FREE film sessions at the Walyalup Aboriginal Cultural Centre. These are some of Australia’s best, ranging from documentaries to fiction & non-fiction.  Bookings required | Humanitix 
  • Goal Setting Workshop Saturday, 15 February, 10-11.30am. Set yourself up for success with this empowering workshop. Learn how to set meaningful goals, stay motivated, and cultivate habits that support your mental and physical wellbeing. 
  • Free Peer Support Group: Mental Health & Emotional Awareness Tues 18, 11am-1pm. Keep socially active with a monthly community meet up run by Consumers of Mental Health WA. Come along and have coffee and a yarn, share stories and pick up some tips on mental health and healthy living along the way. Light morning tea provided, open to all.
  • FAC Sunday Music–every Sunday, 2-4pm. Every Sunday anyone in the community can listen to incredible musicians for free. There could be a lovely video or images of the power of music and coming together and dancing and all that.  

Or discover one of the many groups around Fremantle 

  • South Beach Park Run Every Saturday, 8 am A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Whether you walk, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s a great way to boost your mood and meet new people. 
  • meditationHQ Every Sat | 6.45AM | Bathers Beach | Free. Meet up with likeminded people to sit in stillness by the ocean, embracing a weekly theme during a 20-minute meditation. Everybody is welcome and no bookings required. Rain, hail or shine.
  • Safe Place Every Thurs 4-5pm, Fremantle Library. Weekly meet up for LGBTQIA+ teens and their allies in the Library. Come and join in for fun with crafts, activities, good conversations and free pizza!
  • Freo Men’s Group North Fremantle Community Centre, Wed 5 Feb, 7-9pm. A safe, confidential, non-judgmental space, where you can be seen and heard. Mateship is sharing, supporting and learning, as we navigate the loves and the challenges in life. Men in a circle is a timeless practice, come join us. For more info call 0499 076 925 
  • Sullivan Hall Community Hub Tues 4 Feb, 10am-12noon. Do you live nearby in the Valley and want to feel more connected to your neighbourhood. Here is your invitation to come along and meet with some friendly, kind locals for a chat and cuppa. These get-togethers will be held monthly on Tuesdays. Come along to connect, share and learn. 

You can also check out Act Belong Commit Activity Finder for more! 

Join the Kindness Movement 

As part of Feelgood February, the City is introducing Community Kindness Cards. These cards encourage acts of kindness—like buying someone a coffee, volunteering your time, or simply offering words of encouragement. Once you’ve completed your act of kindness, pass the card along to keep the positivity flowing. 

If you’d like to stock these cards or join this inspiring initiative, get in touch with the City today. 

List of participating businesses and community groups:  

Fremantle Arts Centre 
The Footpath Library  
Fremantle Library 
Headspace Fremantle 
Heart Place  
Moores Building reception 
The Repair Café  
The Reuse Shop 
The Sharing Shed 
South Beach Park Run 
Walyalup Aboriginal Cultural Centre 
Walyalup Civic Centre 

Be Part of Feelgood February 

This February let’s come together to celebrate kindness and focus on what truly matters: our mental health, our community, and our environment. Whether you’re attending an event, joining a group, or spreading kindness in your own way, there’s no better time to make a positive impact. 

To learn more about Feelgood February and upcoming programs keep an eye out for the City’s socials or contact us directly.