Alcohol | City of Fremantle

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Fremantle Liquor Accord

The Fremantle Liquor Accord was launched in March 1996 as a key strategy of the City’s Crime prevention plan to address alcohol related crime. It comprises the Western Australian Police Service, local licensees, Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor, Local Government and other relevant agencies.

The Fremantle Accord provides information about proactive measures that continue to be implemented to reduce alcohol-related disruption, damage and harm in Fremantle.

The aim of this liquor accord is to:

  1. ensure and maintain responsible service of alcohol in the liquor industry;
  2. provide a safe environment for patrons both from and visiting Fremantle; and
  3. facilitate a professional relationship of respect between licensees, police and the community.

Please click here to complete the Fremantle Accord registration form.

Complaints related to licensed premises

Section 117 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act) provides for a complaint to be lodged against a licensee if the noise coming from, or the behaviour of patrons at, a licensed premises is affecting the people residing in or attending premises such as a school or hospital in the neighbourhood.

To lodge a complaint to the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor in relation to the activities at a licensed premises please visit the DRGL's website

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