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- Asbestos
- Caravan park and camping ground
- Contaminated sites
- Lodging houses
- Mould
- Public buildings
- Public events
Any person handling and disposing of asbestos is required to comply with the requirements of the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992.
Ten square metres or less of bonded (non-friable) asbestos can be removed without a licence. More than 10 square metres must be removed by a licensed and trained individual or business. Safe work practises, in accordance with Part 9 of the Code of Practise for the Safe Removal of Asbestos, apply in either case.
To make a complaint about the removal of asbestos from a neighbouring property, complete the online customer request form and email compliance@fremantle.wa.gov.au.
To report asbestos issues in the work place, contact WorkSafe WA on 1300 30 78 77.
Caravan park and camping ground
A caravan park is an area of land on which caravans or camper vans are situation for habitation. Caravan park and camping grounds are inspected by the City's environmental health officer's on an annual basis to ensure they are compliant.
If you are considering constructing a patio, annexe, carport or any other structure within a caravan park you are required to apply for planning and building approval from the City. However, prior to seeking the appropriate approval from the City, please discuss your proposal with the caravan park manager.
Useful documents
Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995
Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997.
Contaminated sites
The Department of Environment Regulation administers and enforces the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 and the Contaminated Sites Regulations 2006.
In relation to land, water or a site, the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 defines 'contaminated' as:
"having a substance present in or on that land, water or site at above background concentrations that presents, or has the potential to present, a risk of harm to human health, the environment or any environmental value."
To access information about contaminated sites visit the Department of Environment Regulation contaminated sites database.
The contaminated sites database holds information on sites classified as:
- contaminated - remediation required
- contaminated - restricted use or remediation for restricted use
The database allows searches for confirmed contaminated sites using search fields such as street name, suburb/town, local government authority (e.g. council), land title or crown land reserve number.
Lodging houses
A lodging house is any building which makes provision for the lodging of more than 6 persons (exclusive of the family of the owner (keeper) or manager), for hire or reward. A lodging house includes serviced apartments, short term hostels such as backpackers and recreational campsites.
Lodging houses are inspected regularly for compliance with the City's Health Local Laws 1997- Lodging Houses to ensure acceptable sanitary standards, emergency provisions and pest control are being maintained.
Should you wish to open a lodging house, you must ensure you obtain the appropriate planning and building approvals, as well as completing an application to register a lodging house.
Moulds are types of fungi that can grow on walls, timber, carpet, furniture and fabrics that are damp and usually in dark places. Moulds need moisture to grow and thrive in humid conditions. Mould can give off an odour which many people find unpleasant and can cause sneezing, asthma attacks and other respiratory illness in at-risk populations.
Moulds in the household are most commonly found in wet areas such as the bathroom because of the humidity from showers and baths. Condensation on the ceiling and walls provide a good habitat for mould to grow.
The most practical ways of controlling mould growth is by using ventilation, heat and insulation.
If you are having trouble getting rid of mould it is advisable for you to contact a building consultant or inspector (look in the Yellow Pages) which may be able to thoroughly investigate the cause.
Public buildings
A public building is a place where persons may assemble for civic, theatrical, social, political, religious, educational, entertainment, recreational, sporting or business purposes. A public building also includes fenced off outdoor events such as music festivals.
Public buildings are inspected regularly by the City's environmental health officers to ensure compliance with the Health (Public Building) Regulations 1992. This includes checks for fire safety, emergency procedures, ease of egress for escape during an emergency, and ensuring emergency exits are not locked to prevent escape. Emergency evacuation plans may also be required. Our officers also check on the sanitary standard of toilet facilities, bar areas and food preparation areas.
Every public building is initially assessed for maximum capacity through toilet numbers, ventilation, exit widths and floor area. A certificate of approval for maximum accommodation is then issued and this certificate must be displayed in the public building area at all times. Officers conduct routine inspections of nightclubs and pubs, and other high risk public buildings to ensure the building is not being overcrowded with patrons.
Should you wish to construct, alter or extend a public building you must apply to the City for approval. Appropriate planning and building approvals must also be obtained. The plans of the building and payment must be submitted with your application.
Public events
Public event organisers are responsible for protecting the health and safety of those who may be affected by the event. If the event is enclosed by a secure fence then the event is to be classed as a public building under the Health (Public Building) Regulations 1992. An application to construct, alter or extend a public building is required to be submitted. If a proposed sporting, cultural or entertainment event should result in the emission of noise in contravention of the standard prescribed, an application for a non-complying event (Regulation 18) is to be submitted to the City's Chief Executive Officer no later than 60 days before the event.
- If there are to be more than 50 people at the proposed event, you need to complete application for a public building certificate.
- If a large structure (including stages, temporary bleachers or tiered/spectator stands and any other large temporary structures) are to be used onsite then a certificate of structural compliance must be completed and submitted to the City's environmental health services.
- All electrical works must be signed off by an approved electrician and a certificate of electrical compliance must be submitted to the City's environmental health services.
For information on holding an event, contact the events management team on 08 9432 9999 or email events@fremantle.wa.gov.au.
Useful documents
Health (Public Building) Regulations 1992
Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992
Code of Practise for the Safe Removal of Asbestos
Asbestos guide for households
Customer request form
Contaminated Sites Act 2003
Contaminated Sites Regulations 2006
City's Health Local Laws 1997- Lodging Houses
Application to register a lodging house
Application to transfer a lodging house
Application for a non-complying event (Regulation 18)
Application for a Public Building Certificate
Construct, alter or extend a public building
Certificate of Electrical Compliance
Certificate of Structural Compliance
Useful links
Department of Health - guidelines for concerts, events and organised gatherings
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Department of Environment Regulation - contaminated sites database