School Age Swimming Lessons | City of Fremantle

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School Age Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons for swimmers aged 5-12 years. Your swimmer will build confidence and develop strong technique across all strokes in this program. Children will progress through the levels at their own pace.

This program runs in line with school terms and students are assessed on a regular basis, moving up a level when they are ready, at any point during the term.

School Age lessons are taught in both the indoor 25m pool and the outdoor 50m pool with lessons running for 30 minutes. Class sizes range from 4 – 8 students, to one instructor. Here is everything you need to know about our school age program:

Vertical Tabs

Levels and skills

Classes run every weekday afternoon and Saturday/Sunday mornings during school terms.

1. Bluebottles

Students in our beginner level learn to enter and exit the water safely and are taught the fundamentals of breath control and body positioning.

Class duration: 30 minutes
Maximum students: 4

2. Minnows

Propulsion is taught on the students front and back with flutter kicking. Freestyle arms and breaststroke kick on backs are introduced

Class duration: 30 minutes
Maximum students: 4

3. Snappers

Freestyle breathing and propulsive breaststroke kick on students back are taught. Backstroke arms are introduced and safety activities are completed in deep water.

Class duration: 30 minutes
Maximum students: 5

> For swimmers at a Snapper level who are 9-12 years old, they will be placed in the Yabbies level (more age appropriate, more pool space and swimming with other students of a similar age).

4. Stingrays

Students in Stingrays will start swimming freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke kick over longer distances. Dolphin kick and survival backstroke are introduced.

Class duration: 30 minutes
Maximum students: 6

> For swimmers at a Stingray level who are 11-12 years old, they will be placed in the Seals level (more age appropriate, more pool space and swimming with other students of a similar age).

5. Marlins

Efficient breaststroke is further developed, freestyle and backstroke are extended to a 25m swim. Sidestroke is introduced.

Class duration: 30 minutes
Maximum students: 6

6. Piranhas

Competitive skills are introduced and distances for all strokes are increased. Diving and treading water are taught in the 50m pool.

Class duration: 30 minutes
Maximum students: 8


I'm ready to book!

To book, head to the Swim School Portal page and follow the prompts to create your swim school account, register your swimmers and make your bookings.

I still have questions... Get in touch!

If you have any questions, please complete our enquiry form here.