Significant tree register | City of Fremantle

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Significant tree register


Trees that are listed on the City's significant tree register are recognised for their contribution to the local environment, and are protected under the City's Local Planning Scheme. Only trees and vegetation located on private property are eligible for listing on the register. Property owners are able to self-nominate a tree or vegetation area within their property for inclusion on the register.

A local planning policy for significant trees has been prepared that contains the current register of significant trees and defines how nominations for the register are assessed by the City. The policy - known as Local Planning Policy 2.23 - also outlines how the City will consider requests for removal of trees from the register. Refer to the Local Planning Policies page to download a copy of LPP 2.23.

Nominations for the Register

The annual assessment and reporting period for nominations is generally undertaken between February and April each year. Any nominations received outside of this time will be held on file until the next available reporting period.

Key points for nominations:

  • The tree or vegetation area must be nominated, or formally supported, by the owner of the land on which it is located. 
  • The tree must be a healthy specimen with ongoing viability. Viability considers factors such as proximity to buildings and infrastructure, and development potential.
  • Initial inclusion on the register would require formal nomination, an assessment by the City, public consultation and an annual Council decision.
  • Assessment may include the commission of an independent arboricultural report.
  • The tree or vegetation area must demonstrate significance based on the criteria of:
    1. botanic / horticultural value (e.g. rare or endangered species);
    2. visual / aesthetic / landmark value;
    3. heritage value; and
    4. ecological value not otherwise protected through environmental legislation.

Please download and submit the nomination form to commence the application process. 

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