Sporting Club Assistance Program | City of Fremantle

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Sporting Club Assistance Program

Sporting Clubs Assistance Program

The City of Fremantle’s Sporting Club Assistance Program aims to increase community participation in sport and recreation through the provision of financial assistance. 

Applications must meet the eligibility and program criteria, and be requests for financial assistance: 

  • With costs associated with attending courses targeted at increasing skill level of committee members, volunteers and administrators in order to effectively run club activities
  • To new clubs through the initial phase of incorporation and set up fees
  • With club events such as come and try or open days
  • With costs associated with purchase of essential equipment (not to exceed 50 per cent of total costs).
Program Applications Amount
Sporting Club Assistance

Open all year round

Until funding allocation exhausted



To apply for assistance under this program, applicants must: 

  • Be incorporated not-for-profit sport and recreation club
  • Be based or operating within the City of Fremantle and servicing a significant number of local residents 
  • Have no outstanding monies owing to the City.

Please read the Sporting Club Assistance Program Guidelines for full funding criteria and eligibility requirements. 

The Application Process 

  1.  Contact the City’s Community Development – Health and Wellbeing Officer to discuss the potential project and subsequent application, 
  2. Complete the Sporting Club Assistance Application Form online via the City’s Smarty Grants portal. Please ensure you have relevant supporting documentation including quotes. 
  3. Submit your application. 

Once you have submitted your application you will receive an email of acknowledging receipt. Please note that the City seeks to provide an outcome within 10 working days. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions via email. 

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