Bin collection days Enter your address to find out which bin system applies to your property, when your bins will be collected and when the next green waste and bulk verge collections will take place. Two Bin System The two bin system includes a yellow-lidded bin for recycling and a dark green-lidded bin for general waste. Find out what you can place in your bins. Three Bin System The three bin system includes a dedicated bin for waste that can be converted to compost. Find out what you can place in your lime green, yellow and red-lidded bins. Fremantle Recycling Centre Find out what items can be recycled at the Fremantle Recycling Centre, Reuse Shop trading hours, how to dispose of household hazardous waste. Commercial waste Find out about commercial waste collection and surcharges. Compostable caddy liner FAQs Find out the latest information on compostable caddy liners for use in your FOGO bin. Containers for Change Find out how you can earn 10-cents per container and help raise funds for the community. Waste education Discover how the community and school groups can learn about waste related topics including what to place in bins or what happens to waste. Pre-booked bulk waste collections The service will allow residents to pre-book 'at your door’ convenience. The service will be available from Spring 2023. Bulk organics verge collection Find out more about the City’s bulk garden organics (green) waste verge collections. Waste minimisation rebates Find out what rebates or subsidies are available to help you reduce your waste at home. Waste Information for Multi-Unit Developments Find out how FOGO bin service works in apartments or units. Plastic Free July The City is a proud Plastic Free Council Challenge member and we invite you to join the challenge! Circular Styling Sustainable education in repairing, decluttering and purchasing preloved clothing. Vertical Tabs