Library Guidelines | City of Fremantle

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Library Guidelines

Photo of the Fremantle Library showing the front pod, the stairs, and some shelves.


Code of Conduct

The City of Fremantle Library is a community space where everyone is welcome. We need to work together and treat each other with respect to make sure the space is safe.

Be safe

  • Inform Library staff of concerns
  • Supervise people in your care
  • Take care of Library property
  • Watch your belongings

Be respectful

  • Cooperate with staff directions
  • Maintain a quiet environment
  • Ask for permission in writing before taking photos or filming video
  • Wear suitable clothing, including footwear.

Be cybersmart

  • View appropriate material
  • Protect logins and passwords
  • Log out of your accounts

Unacceptable behaviour

Behaviour that is offensive, inconsiderate or compromises the safety of the people or property is unacceptable.

The following will not be tolerated:

  • Violence
  • Aggression, harassment, and abuse
  • Use of alcohol or illicit substances
  • Theft or destruction of property

Clients must cooperate with staff, security, and Community Safety officers, including leaving the building or moving their belongings when asked to do so.


Library Membership Conditions

Members will be able to borrow twenty items per library card. Iterms can be borrowed for three weeks at a time and renewed up to three times. Items cannot be renewed if overdue, requested by another member or are exempt for the renewal.

Members will:

  • Provide personal identification to become a member, the identifications we accept are:
    • Current Western Australian Driver's License OR
    • With photo ID: a physical or digital bill, bank statement, rates notice, or rental agreement less than six weeks old, showing the patron's current home address OR
    • Without photo ID: a current signed Health Care Card and a physical or digital bill, bank statement, rates notice, or rental agreement less than six weeks old, showing the patron's current home address.
  • Present a library card when borrowing items from Fremantle Library, Fremantle Toy Library and The Meeting Place and understand that items will not be issues if such a card is not presented at the time of loan. We also accept government issues ID or electronically saved versions of the card on a smartphone and will ask the member to confirm personal details like home address and phone number.
  • Take responsibility for the physical condition and timely return of all items borrowed from the Library.
  • If less than 16 years of age, provide consent from a parent or guardian before library membership is granted. The parent(s) or guardian (s) that provide consent shall take responsibility for items on all membership cards issued to children in their care.
  • Notify the Library if a card is lost or stolen. The member whom the card was issued to shall retain the liability for any items loaned or charges incurred prior to such notification. A replacement card will need to be issues at the cost to the member. The cost will be waived if the card was stolen, and a police report is provided.
  • Notify the Library in the event of changes to all or part of their name, address, telephone number, or email address given at the time of membership registration. The Library will not be responsible for member non-receipt of notice or other communications due to the member not notifying the Library of changes to their contact details.
  • Pay all charges resulting from replacement of items that were lost or damaged while on loan.
  • Examine all items prior to borrowing and if any damage is evident bring to the attention of staff.
  • Respect the rights of other library user while in the library building - excessive noise, running or disorderly behaviour will result in a request for you to leave the library.
  • Keep mobile phone conversations short and quiet.
  • Be welcome to bring drinks or snack foods into the library, however, please respect other users and take care of our resources, any damage will have to be paid for.

While using Internet and Online services members will:

  • Not damage or modify equipment, software, or data belonging to the Library, not attempt to violate computer network security.
  • Only download files to their own external drives. The Library takes no responsibility for data altered or deleted on external drives through the public network.
  • Not intentionally access material that is offensive or objectionable to other members of the public or staff. The Library has a duty under that W.A. state Classification (publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1996 to ensure that material of this nature is not displayed in the Library. 
  • Not intentionally misuse Library facilities or fail to comply with staff directives on the use of Library services. All Library facilities are to be used in a responsible manner, taking into consideration the laws on copyright, privacy, harassment, and libel. Members who fail to do so may have their access privileges removed and be directed to leave the Library for a specified amount of time.
  • Understand that the Library reserves the right to monitor and log the use of computers.
  • Understand that the internet services provided are secure as far as reasonably practical. The Library has no control over the accuracy, authority, timeliness or usefulness of the information accessed on the internet, and will not be liable for any damages related to the use of the information accessed. Members should be mindful to safeguard their own privacy on public computers.
  • Acknowledge that the Library cannot guarantee more than a single one-hour computer booking per day. All members must finish all online activity by the end of each booked computer session. The Library will not be liable for any data loss or damages related to member not finalising and saving their data before the end of each booked computer session. 

While using eResources (WA residents only) members will:

  • Comply with the terms and conditions of license agreements between publishers and the Library when accessing eResources and online databases with Library membership.
  • Use eResources only for private study and research purposes and not for business, commercial or work purposes.
  • Recognise that use is for registered library member only and that access is not transferable.

Customer Notifications:

  • City if Fremantle may contact you from time to time and ask for feedback to get a deeper insight into how you feel about the City including relevant community matters, upcoming events, and what we can do to make it better. We use customer feedback to continuously improve both customer service delivery. 
  • We will also send you courtesy notices to remind you of any overdue items you may have.
  • Our notification process for overdue items is outlines below:
    • an overdue notice will be sent via email one week after the due date.
    • a second overdue notice will be sent two weeks after the item due date informing the members that overdue items will be considered lost, and a charge will be added to the membership 28 days after the item due date.

Fremantle Toy Library

  • Please see the fees and charges for membership and hire rates. Some hire items require a bond.
  • Family memberships (personal use only) are able to borrow ten toys for a three-week loan with renewals, including a maximum of six large toys. Concession rates are available upon joining with current Centrelink concession card.
  • Group memberships (including playgroups, parent groups or centres) are able to borrow sixteen toys for a two-week loan with no renewal, including a maximum of six large toys.
  • Please notify the Toy Library of any damage or missing pieces. Fees and charges may be applicable for damaged or missing items.

Fremantle History Centre

  • Local history images from the library catalogue can be used for private research or study purposes.
  • All other uses, such as publishing for community and commercial purposes, including the reproduction of the material online or in public, is not permitted without prior consent. Please fill out the Application for User form.
  • Fees apply for the use of any image from the collection. Please view rates in the Application for Use form. A high-resolution digital image will be supplied after payments of the fee.
  • Images used must be acknowledged in the following format: "Image courtesy of Fremantle Library History Centre, Image No. XXXX". The image number us the same as the reference number in the library catalogue.

Fees and Charges

By accepting these Library Membership Conditions, members will be subject to the following fees and charges:

  • Where a borrowed item is lost, rendered unusable or otherwise damaged, the member shall be charged for the full replacement of the item.
  • If the item is returned in good condition and within six months of the due date, fees for replacement of the item will be waived.
  • Where charges remain unpaid in part or in full, unless otherwise stated access to all library services, will be suspended until the charge is paid in full.
  • Where deliberate breaches of these terms and conditions of Membership occur, the member will be reminded of their agreement to adhere to the Library Membership Conditions at the time they became a member of the Library.

Fees and charges may be viewed at City of Fremantle adopted Fees and Charges.


Understand that these terms and conditions of membership may change, and a public notice will inform members of such changes.


Food and Drink Guidelines

This guide provides visitors to the Library and library staff, including authorised officers of the library as to what food and drink may be consumed in the building.

Consumption of sealable or lidded drinks and snacks are allowed in some area of the library and the courtyards.

No food or drinks are to be consumed in the Gaming Zone, and Local History area.

No food or drinks can be consumed while using the Public Computers or during programs using technology i.e. Coderdojo and Tech Help.

Food and drinks should not be left unattended or uncovered.

Patrons are expected to clean up after themselves by placing food refuse in the rubbish bins provided.

No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Walyalup Civic Centre.


Guidelines on Filming and Photography of Children in the Library

To ensure the safety, privacy, and well-being of all visitors, filming and photography of children within the library premises is strictly prohibited. These guidelines are in place to create a safe and welcoming environment for all families and young patrons.

Key Points:

  • No individual or organisation may take photographs or record videos of children without explicit permission from their parent or guardian and prior approval from library staff.
  • The library reserves the right to intervene if any unauthorised photography or filming is observed.
  • These guidelines apply to all public areas within the library, including events and programs.

We appreciate the cooperation of all visitors in upholding these guidelines to maintain a secure and respectful space for our community.


Supervision of children (0 - 12 years old) in the library

The term ‘children’ refers to any child aged from birth to 12 years inclusive.

City of Fremantle Library welcome children and families to our Library, and we strive to provide a welcome and inclusive environment which meets their needs for recreation, information, and education. However young children are not safe when left unattended in the library. The staff cannot know if the children are leaving the building with a parent or stranger. It is not our intention to seek out unattended children but be able to respond to situations should they arise.

Library staff are trained to provide Library services and are not equipped or expected to supervise or look after children.

For their own security and wellbeing, children must be accompanied by a responsible guardian over the age of 18 years. The guardian must supervise children in the library and are responsible for the monitoring of their behaviour and activities. All children aged five years and younger must always be within sight of their guardian.

Library staff will not be responsible for unsupervised children, please be aware that parents or guardians always remain responsible for the safety of all their children. Any person who leaves a child insufficiently supervised, or unsupervised in the library is exposing them to potential harm and may be committing an offence under the Children and Community Services Act 2004 (WA).

If required, Library staff may respond to situations involving unsupervised children, such as: 

  • If a child is found agitated, crying, or frightened in the library. 
  • If a child is injured or unwell. 
  • If a child is perceived to be in danger or in danger of harming other Library users. 
  • If another person has been perceived as a threat to the child. 
  • If the child exhibits inappropriate behaviour. 
  • An unattended child is found in the library at closing time. 
  • An unattended child is found in the library during an emergency evacuation.

In cases like these, staff may try to contact the child’s parent, guardian, or caregiver. If this is not successful or if it is deemed necessary, Library staff will report the incident to the Fremantle Police and ask them to collect the child or children from the library.


Families and Parental Responsibility

While placement of material, throughout the physical collection and the provision of access to online resources is carried out by library staff based on professional knowledge and evaluation, this should be used as a guide only.

It is not the responsibilities of Fremantle Library staff to exercise a supervisory or restrictive role in determining which library resources young people may use or access except where material is classified as restricted under the Western Australian Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1996. It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to monitor the suitability of both physical and online library resources used by their children.


Collection Development Guidelines


To provide the City of Fremantle and the community with a framework for the selection, acquisition, evaluation, and deaccession of materials for the Library collection.


These guidelines extend to library materials held within Fremantle Library, Fremantle Toy Library and The Meeting Place, and the digital resources provided by the City of Fremantle Library.


The City’s library service aims to provide free access to a comprehensive and dynamic collection of print, non-print and digital resources which meet the current and future recreational, educational, and cultural needs of the community.

Purchase of Library materials will maintain the collection in response to community needs and will supplement resources supplied by the State Library of Western Australia.

The City’s Library Manager is responsible for the management and procurement of Library collection materials. Selection of materials will be based on the following criteria:

  • Cost 
  • Literary merit 
  • Relevance and suitability 
  • Currency and accuracy of content 
  • Authority and reputation of author, publisher, producer, or illustrator 
  • Quality of presentation 
  • Durability of format for loan and storage 
  • Language (materials in languages other than English are acquired according to community needs).

Additional selection criteria may be considered when selecting digital resources: 

  • Vendor support 
  • Technical considerations 
  • Download speed 
  • Ease of use 
  • Availability of usage statistics 
  • Content availability and coverage (Australian sources) 
  • Platform 
  • Contract provisions (limitations of subscriptions).


In most cases, donations will not be accepted. If accepted, the material donated becomes the property of the City. The Library reserves the right to handle donated material as it sees fit and will not enter into discussion or correspondence regarding the handling of these materials.


Items may be excluded for several reasons including the following: 

  • The subject matter is covered in resources in the City of Fremantle Library collection or is available via inter-library loan. 
  • The material is not readily available. 
  • The content is out of date. 
  • The item is in an unsuitable format. 
  • The item is not of general interest or value to the local community.

City of Fremantle Library will not exclude materials by rejecting on moral, gender, individual lifestyle, political, racial, or religious grounds alone.

Material will not be rejected on the grounds that its content is controversial or likely to offend some section of the community. Such material may otherwise be relevant to the purpose of the Library and meet the standards, such as historical importance, intellectual integrity, effectiveness of expression or accuracy of information, which are required by the Library service. Library resources are available to all Library users without restriction, except where legally required, or as set out in the Library’s loan conditions. The Library encourages parents/carers to set their own family rules in consultation with their child. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to monitor young people’s selection and use of Library resources.

Deaccession of stock

The Library collection and content shall be reviewed and updated, with surplus stock deaccessioned based on the following criteria: 

  • Out of date or inaccurate content 
  • Low community relevance and/or interest in content 
  • New edition available 
  • Digital availability 
  • Poor physical condition

Surplus material may be sold at Library book sales at a cost prescribed in the City’s Fees and Charges Schedule or by other methods deemed effective and appropriate, including (but not limited to) donations to community or commercial agencies or sustainable paper recycling.

Local History

Please refer to Local History Collection Management Guidelines.

Legislation/ Local Law Requirements

Library Board (Registered Public Libraries) Regulations 1985. State and Local Government Agreement for the Provision of Public Library Services in Western Australia, 2020. Local level agreement for the delivery of public library services, 2011 Funding Arrangement for the delivery of public library services, 2011 Western Australian Classification Publications, Film and Computer Games Enforcement Act 1996. Censorship Act 1996.

Other Relevant Policies/ Key Documents

Statement on Free Access to Information (Australian Library and Information Association 2018) Statement on Libraries and Literacies (Australian Library and Information Association, 2006). Statement on Public Library Services (Australian Library and Information Association, 2018)

Definitions and abbreviations

  • Deaccessioned: The process upon which a library item or resource is removed from the collection, catalogue or database.
  • Digital Resources: Resources provided and stored in an electronic format including the internet, electronic databases, digital audio, images and film, eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers, and eMagazines.
  • Library Materials: Any item held in the library collection that includes but is not limited to books, CDs, DVDs, audio books, magazines, maps, plans, photographs and electronic resources.

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